Friday, July 24, 2009

Shopz wid Anita ...afterschool



nothing special about my school today...but all of the student Amanerdz(which is my claz) shokd to see teacher Elsa just walk off from the class...she cant accept our attitude...she told us that she very dissapointed...its like we have no respect to her....well....actually its the she we finished the activities that she gave to us..we automaticly play the flying paper(sound childish???)lol.....i think she hate to see us to do like beside playing that thingy..we make very loudddddddddddddddddd nice......we laugh..we boo...we cheer....n everything...what can i say..our claz like to play each other..eventhough sometimes we annoying each the special about next week we goin to get our claz t-shirt..!!!cool isnt it?


hmmmm....after that nothing happen....after school.......Me and Anita go shopz together,,

After school..SHOPZ TIMEZZ

After finished school.i went to Anita house so we change our cloths...because we feel not comfortable if we just wear our school uniform n direct..its

After we ready ody...we took taxi dat cost us about rm10 (actually its 12 but we tell the driver to give us good proce since we are still student XP) the taxi we got pic together...but too sad i forgt to upload it..

just got upload my photo....

By the time we reached Shopping mall..we just walk around and still thinking where we want go....Anita want to buy reference book....

after few minutes later...we r starving...ahah...but the thing is..we actually ody eat at Anita house..soo we decided to eat at Donut Apple only..XD

We order 4 donuts...n we finished it...after we ate it...we took picture together again..hahaha...we took so many picture that time but a few that satisfying us..

Love of all this the effect...


After that we decided go to toilet again to take picture...aahahahaha

Umust be wondering we want to take mny it?


..because long time ody we din took pic together...thats y!!haha... the toilet we gt ss....took a lot of pic oso...but its hard to take the pic...because theres a lot of people comin n out from the toilet...hahaha..well of is a toilet anyway..LOLZ


ss took pic in the


aFTerrrrrr that we went to kbox..hahahha...

sooo funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...we sang so loud............................................i sang all the sad song i mean the sad love song then Anita mad at me cz im tooo 'jiwang'

she sang Aqua...i laugh at her sooo much at first she soo exited about that song but after the song started she's blank n scream...'my gosh..this song is sooo hard'...

After sang few song...we went to Warisan...n have a drink there n find some cloths...n guessss whatt...weeeeeeeeeeeee sawwwwwwwwwwwww the mosttt cool hat ever,,lolllll
its only cost about Rm23....quite cheap 4 a hat like that....i really want it..but its just that i dun have money that time cz as u know money beed stolen...
..i take my fav hat than anita take her fav hat..than as u know...we took ou pic together again..we love that hat soo much...nice is it???..hhrhrhrhrhr


ahahah.....u must be wondering.wad the hell we took picture of converse ....hahahhahaa........actually we saw two hot guys here....i mean as in soooooo cute...ahah...
only me n Anita know wad happen after that....XDDDDD

Hrmmmmmmmmmmm....after that..we feel bored than Anita doesnt have transport to go we call Nick,serena n Kah long n joined them after that..
they just finished watch movie 'the lost island' they say it was funnny...
we all hang out yogurt berry...
after that serena show her new hp..its nice n its cost about rm 606 .....
n its sony erricson...
so me n nick get so exited so wee took picture again..hope that serena will upload for us soon..
by the time 4.30pm ody...Nick n kah long went its just left me serena n anita...
Anita called her dad to pick her up at cp......
Serena spend me Starbucksssssssssssssssssss after that..heheh...c she just won the tournament for tennis...n guess wad,,,she is number 1 in sabah in Tennis....
5pm...we went bek ..
At home
~~~sooooo bored......i just slept about 4 hours just now....ahahha
then i just cant wait to update my blog...
neway...thats all...
hope u enjoy it..

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