Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dont want to be alone....

today i din go to school...but actually i want to go but seomthing house area dun have water...the management didnt even give us not goin skul if dun take my its disgusting........

ussually when i din go to schooli have someone to sms too...T.T...but now...i dun have dat person anymore....haiz...

now i know im totally lonely.............its feel sucks...........................................
my fren ask me to go out tomorrow..buttt..i dun everytime i go out..its remind me of him..actually..everything remind me of him..........................
im sure my friend got a little bit angry wid i already promised them that i will go..but i just very sure all the memory will flash back..n im goin to be no mood...den that time i will make my fren no mood oso...T.T...


plsssssssssssssssssssss...i want this all to be stop rright now....i want to forget him................
when i listen to love song i will thinking of him..but the hurtin part is..he's probally wid some other girl then mayb they already choose a love song to be their couple song...
everytime i watched sad movie i cried cz its remind me of him oso...but the thing is..he probally still wid another girl in the cinema watch movie and wondering how sweet dey are,sharring popcorn n everything........

I'm not jealous I just want everything she's look at her so amazed I remember way back when you used to look at me that way.
Tell me what makes her so much better than me.....What makes her just everything, I can never be.......What makes her your every dream and fantasy..Because I can remember when now you don't feel the same...I remember you would shiver everytime I said your name You said nothing felt as good as when you gaze into my eyes Now you don't care I'm aliveHow did we let the fire die

I KNOW..IM SOUNDS NEGATIVE THINKER....but 99% mayb its true....i dont know how to say it.....its seems like its hard for me to move on..:(

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