Sunday, July 19, 2009

sunday~bored.... word...'BORING'

i woke up soo late this late for go church ody......

i think im soo the time i woke up..the first thing in my mind is 'wheres my breakfast' before that check my phone..see weder he gt call me or sms me or nt...but as ussual..NOTHING...not suprise me at all..

ahah....totally useless...let me list down all the thing i did today..


onn d my breakfast n watch Friends on channel 711(lame~~~~)....
after that i just spending my time watching tv untill afternoon and pretending i forgt to wash the dish n just let my mum do dat


Still watching tv............ =.=

(hey!..wad else i can do..its boring...Tv is my fren on dat time d only one n only.wanna know y?.well at least tv nvr leave me..dey follow my order.if i wan something from them i just click n dey will follow..if u know wad i sounds weird n acting like d tv is alive)forget it..grr...
but after dat i played psp(my sister's) last...i gt something to do dat kinda fun

play computer all night long............................................................................................................
woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................................. after dat...i have a chit chat with my sister.......................shes 26 dis year...shes quite understanding.she bring me for a dinner today at jesselton restaurant.we order pizza n carbonara(sun know hw to spell it)..we talkin about our love was
she told me about her stalker i mean d guy dat like her...scary~~~
den she told me about this ghost story..actually its not ghost story..i dun know how to described wadever it is..its scary...this thing happen at her fren's house yesterday...
we back home about 11pm like dat...den i continue play computer..////
just hope tomorrow will b fun at i heard there will b ekspo u know wad is it mean...'no class'.....ahahah
hmmmm.....after thinking about was okkkk
i just found out dat my claz monitor has forward to all 4Amanerdz student about my money has been stolen....quite hepy i most of dem gt ask i okay or nt n everything..feels hepy dat dey actually concern(i guess..erm..)ahah
anyway...i feel hepy to my fren n my cuz..both of dem have wonderfull time wid deir love one...a little bit happy//so am i.... :)...
I just hope this sadNessssss will fade someday...all i know is i still luv him n still hoping for something from him... =[
nvm...move on madeline.....try my best......

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